Type Checking

Is Expression

In The Programming Language type checking is done with help of is expression. First you type expression that you want to type check, then add is keyword and enter a type that you want it to check for.

For example:

main {
  a: int | str = 1
  b: int | str = "string"

  if a is int {
    // variable "a" type is "int" here
  } else {
    // variable "a" type is "str" here

Another example type checking any type:

main {
  a: any = 'a'
  b: any = 1
  c: any = "string"

  if a is int {
    // variable "a" type is "int" here
  } else {
    // variable "a" type is still "any" here

  if a is int {
    // variable "a" type is "int" here
  } elif a is str {
    // variable "a" type is "str" here
  } else {
    // variable "a" type is still "any" here


Type checking only works with any and union types.

Checking Optional Type

In order to check if optional type is nil or actual type, you can do this with binary expression and == operator.

For example:

main {
  a: int?

  if a == nil {
    // variable "a" type is still "int?" here
  } else {
    // variable "a" type is "int" here