
the build [directory]
Builds source directory into single file, which then output to build/result.
If directory is omitted then current working directory is used instead.

the build
the build .
the build path/to/source


Build directory and paths: .git, .svn, thumbs.db, .DS_Store are ignored by default.
On the other hand, .packages directory is always included.

Compiling & Running

the run file
Compiles in cloud and executes specified file on local machine.

the run path/to/file

the compile file
Compiles specified file in cloud.

the compile path/to/file

the parse file
Parses specified file in cloud into AST and prints result.

the parse path/to/file

the lex file
Upload file to cloud and prints tokenized representation.

the lex path/to/file

Package Management

the install [package]
Installs specified package and add it to package.yml, if package name is omitted installs all packages from package.yml.
As package you can either specify package name or package name and version delimited by @ sign.

the install
the install the/error
the install the/error@latest
the install the/[email protected]

the uninstall package
Uninstalls specified package from the project and removes it from package.yml.

the uninstall the/error

the update [package]
Updates specified package and changes version in package.yml, if package name is omitted updates all packages from package.yml.
As package you can either specify package name or package name and version delimited by @ sign.

the update
the update the/error
the update the/error@latest
the update the/[email protected]

Running Scripts

the script [name]
Executes script from package.yml, if script doesn’t exist throws error.

the script custom-build

Testing Code

the test [directory]
Find and runs tests in directory (requires the/testing package installed).
If directory is omitted then current working directory is used instead.

the test
the test .
the test path/to/source


Build directory and paths: .git, .svn, thumbs.db, .DS_Store are ignored by default.
On the other hand, .packages directory is always included.

Upgrading CLI Version

the upgrade
Self-upgrades CLI to latest version.

the upgrade


Output directory of the build [directory] command, by default build.

the build . --build-dir=dist
the build path/to/source --build-dir=path/to/build

Instead of compiling in cloud uses specified local compiler to produce executable.

the run file --compiler=/usr/bin/the

Exclude paths separated by comma, used by the build [directory] and the test [directory] commands.

the build . --exclude=test
the test path/to/source --exclude=path/to/exclude

-h, --help
Print help information.

the -h
the --help

-o, --output=...
Executable output path, by default a.out, on Windows a.exe.

the run file -o b.out
the run path/to/file --output=path/to/output

Target platform of output executable, one of: linux, macos, windows. By default os_NAME.lower.
Used for cross-compilation, when used with --compiler option the behaviour is undefined.

the run file --platform=linux

Arguments that are passed down to executable when executed by the run file

the run file --run-args='1 2 3'

The Programming Language version, valid formats: latest, 1, 1.1, 1.1.1.
Doesn’t affect output executable when sued with --compiler option.

the run file --the=latest
the run file --the=1
the run file --the=1.1
the run file --the=1.1.1

-v, --version
Print version TODO

the -v
the --version